VIP Services
Private jets & heli tours Montenegro

Eurocopter AS350 Écureuil

Cessna Citation Mustang

Falcon 900 LX

Cessna Citation CJ3

Bell 206
Private jets & heli tours Montenegro - fly whenever and wherever you want to
Your luxurious experience should be an ongoing feeling of wellbeing, bliss, and abundance. In order to make a luxurious stay in Montenegro incessant, we offer you the best welcome - private jets services and heli tours Montenegro you can use to travel to and from a location of your choosing. You can also tailor the time of the flight to your needs and have all of your demands met when it comes to a customized flying experience.
The private jets let you save time and offers flexibility. We guarantee comfort, safety, and privacy during heli tours Montenegro. There are no restraints, the sky’s the limit.
Concierge Expert
Jovana Tomić
I will help make all your needs for an exquisite vacation happen.