
Vila La Luce di Tivat sa bazenom

Vila u Donja Lastva (Tivat Područje), Bay of Kotor
- po noći

Connected properties


6 Gosti
3 spavaće sobe
3 kupatila
170 m2
Besplatni Wi-Fi
Besplatni parking
Dozvoljeni ljubimci

Vila La Luce di Tivat je luksuzna vila u Crnoj Gori za iznajmljivanje Ova vila sa bazenom je samo je pet minuta udaljena od plaže.

Sadržaji i usluge

Ovde ćete pronaći sveobuhvatan prikaz sadržaja i usluga nekretnine koju ste odabrali. Javite ako Vam je još nešto potrebno.

Kreveti i kupatila


Spavaća soba 1

King bed Shower (en suite) Pogled na more

Spavaća soba 3

King bed Shower (en suite) Pogled na more

Prvi sprat

Spavaća soba 2

King bed Shower (en suite) Pogled na more


Opšte stavke

  • Wi-Fi
  • High-speed Wi-FI
  • Grijanje
  • Parking


  • Privatni
  • Suncobrani
  • Fen za kosu

Dnevni boravak & Trpezarija

  • Sofa
  • Kamin
  • Trpezarija


  • Vanjski namještaj
  • Terasa&patio


  • Frižider&zamrzivač
  • Pećnica
  • Šporet
  • Mikrotalasna pećnica
  • Mašina za suđe
  • Toster

Održavanje prostora

  • Pegla i daska za peglanje
  • Peškiri


  • Sef
  • Zabranjena konzumacija duvanskih proizvoda


  • Toaletni papir
  • Kada ili tuš
  • Privatno kupatilo


  • Pogled na planinu
  • Pogled na more

Lokacija i područje

Na mapi ispod pogledaj tačnu lokaciju vile, prilazne puteve kao i obližnje znamenitosti.


Najbliži aerodrom
Tivat Airport
5.2 km
Podgorica Airport 90km Dubrovnik Airport 45.9km
Najbliža plaža
190.0 m
Centar grada
2.1 km
Najbliži supermarket
350.0 m
Najbliži restoran
100.0 m


Tivat je prelijepi primorski grad koji se nalazi u Bokokotorskom zalivu u Crnoj Gori. Grad se nalazi u podnožju planine Vrmac, koja ga odvaja od susjednog grada Kotora. Sa svojom bogatom istorijom i zadivljujućim prirodnim ljepotama, Tivat brzo postaje popularna turistička destinacija.

Jedna od glavnih atrakcija u Tivtu je Porto Montenegro, luksuzna marina za jahte i stambeni kompleks. Marina ima širok spektar sadržaja, uključujući restorane, barove, trgovine i butike. Takođe je popularno mjesto za ljubitelje jahti i čamaca, sa preko 450 vezova.

Osim marine, u Tivtu se nalazi i nekoliko drugih istorijskih znamenitosti i prirodnih atrakcija. Jedna od takvih znamenitosti je srednjovjekovna ostrvska tvrđava Sv. Marka, koji se nalazi na samoj obali Tivta. Tvrđava datira iz 12. vijeka i izgrađena je da zaštiti grad od gusarskih napada.

Još jedna popularna atrakcija u Tivtu su botaničke bašte Parka Pejović. Vrtovi se prostiru na površini od preko 5 hektara i sadrže širok izbor biljnih vrsta, uključujući egzotične palme, stabla maslina i kaktuse. Posjetitetioci takođe mogu uživati u raznim aktivnostima na otvorenom u parku, uključujući planinarenje, vožnju biciklom i piknik.

Tivat je takođe poznat po svojim prelijepim plažama, uključujući Plave Horizonte i Almara Beach Club. Plavi Horizonti su pješčana plaža koja se nalazi na poluostrvu Luštica, samo nekoliko minuta vožnje od Tivta. Popularno je mjesto za kupanje, sunčanje i vodene sportove, a ima i nekoliko barova i restorana na plaži. Almara Beach Club je, sa druge strane, privatni beach klub koji se nalazi u kompleksu Porto Montenegro. Klub ima bazen, bar na plaži i restoran, kao i niz drugih sadržaja.

Osim znamenitosti, Tivat se može pohvaliti i bogatom kulturnom baštinom. Grad ima dugu istoriju, koja datira još od antičkih vremena kada je bio poznat kao Teuta. Tokom vijekova Tivtom su vladale različite sile, uključujući Rimljane, Vizantijce, Mlečane i Turke Osmanlije. Ova raznolika istorija ostavila je trag u gradu, sa mješavinom arhitektonskih stilova i kulturnih uticaja vidljivih u celom gradu.

Sve u svemu, Tivat je šarmantan i slikovit grad sa bogatom istorijom i mnogo toga da ponudi posetiocima. Bilo da vas zanima kultura luksuznih jahti, istorijske znamenitosti ili prirodne ljepote, Tivat svakako vrijedi posjetiti. Sa svojom blagom klimom, prekrasnim krajolikom i ljubaznim mještanima, Tivat je savršena destinacija za one koji traže opuštajući i nezaboravan odmor.

Porto Montenegro

Porto Montenegro: Centar za luksuzne jahte i razvoj u Tivtu

Porto Montenegro je luksuzna marina koja se nalazi u gradu Tivtu, Crna Gora. Izgrađen 2009. godine, Porto Montenegro je brzo postao centar bogatih i slavnih, a sada je jedna od najekskluzivnijih marina na svetu.

Geografski položaj

Porto Montenegro se nalazi u prelijepom Bokokotorskom zalivu, samo nekoliko kilometara od grada Tivta. Marina se nalazi na nekadašnjoj pomorskoj bazi i pretvorena je u moderan, najsavremeniji objekat koji može da primi do 450 čamaca.


Porto Montenegro su razvili kanadski biznismen Peter Mank i njegova kompanija Adriatic Marinas. Mank je imao viziju da bivšu pomorsku bazu pretvori u luksuznu marinu koja bi privukla najbogatije pojedince na svetu i njihove superjahte.

Mankova vizija Porto Montenegra nije bila bez izazova. Razvoj je zahtevao značajna ulaganja i poboljšanja infrastrukture, uključujući izgradnju novog lukobrana, jaružanje luke i postavljanje novih komunalnih usluga.

Važnost imati viziju za razvoj

Uspjeh Porto Montenegra može se u velikoj mjeri pripisati Mankovoj viziji razvoja. Imajući jasnu viziju šta je želeo da postigne, Mank je uspeo da privuče investitore i obezbijeedi finansijska sredstva neophodna da svoj san pretvori u stvarnost.

Mankova vizija se takođe širila izvan same marine. Prepoznao je potencijal da Tivat i okolni region postanu destinacija svjetske klase za luksuzna putovanja i turizam, i radio je na stvaranju partnerstava sa lokalnim preduzećima i zajednicama kako bi osigurao da se prednosti Porto Montenegra osjećaju u cijelom regionu.

Uticaj na razvoj i promjene u Tivtu i regionu

Porto Montenegro je od svog otvaranja 2009. godine imao značajan uticaj na razvoj i promjenu Tivta i regiona u okruženju. Marina je privukla vrhunska preduzeća, luksuzne rezidencije i luksuzne restorane, što je sve doprinelo rastu lokalne ekonomije.

Pored toga, Porto Montenegro je postao kulturno središte, domaćin širokog spektra događaja i izložbi koje prikazuju najbolje od domaće i međunarodne umetnosti i kulture. Marina je takođe radila na promovisanju održivosti i očuvanja životne sredine u regionu, kroz inicijative kao što su reciklaža i programi očuvanja vode.

Središte za bogate i slavne i njihove superjahte

Danas je Porto Montenegro jedna od najekskluzivnijih marina na svijetu, koja privlači neke od najbogatijih pojedinaca i njihove superjahte. Marina nudi najsavremenije sadržaje, uključujući 24-časovno obezbeđenje, usluge konsijerža i pristup širokom spektru luksuznih sadržaja.

Ali Porto Montenegro je više od marine. To je simbol potencijala za razvoj i rast u Crnoj Gori, i svedočanstvo onoga što se može postići kada se jasna vizija kombinuje sa posvećenošću održivosti i angažovanju zajednice.


Porto Montenegro je luksuzna marina koja se nalazi u gradu Tivtu, Crna Gora. Izgrađen na bivšoj pomorskoj bazi, Porto Montenegro je sada jedna od najekskluzivnijih marina na svetu, koja privlači neke od najbogatijih pojedinaca i njihove superjahte. Svojom posvećenošću održivosti i angažmanu u zajednici, Porto Montenegro je postao simbol potencijala za razvoj i rast u Crnoj Gori, i svedočanstvo onoga što se može postići sa jasnom vizijom i posvećenošću izvrsnosti.

Luštica Peninsula

Poluostrvo Luštica je skriveni dragulj koji se nalazi u jugozapadnom delu Crne Gore. Sa svojom neravnom obalom, kristalno čistim morem i zadivljujućim pejzažima, poluostrvo Luštica je popularna destinacija za ljubitelje prirode i ljubitelje prirode.

Najnovija dešavanja

Poslednjih godina poluostrvo Luštica je doživelo značajan razvoj, sa novim luksuznim odmaralištima, vilama i marinama duž obale. Međutim, uprkos ovom razvoju, poluostrvo je uspelo da zadrži svoju prirodnu lepotu i šarm, pri čemu su mnoga područja ostala netaknuta i netaknuta.

Organska poljoprivreda

Jedan od jedinstvenih aspekata poluostrva Luštica je njegova uspešna zajednica organske poljoprivrede. Sa svojim bogatim zemljištem i povoljnom klimom, poluostrvo Luštica je savršeno mesto za uzgoj raznovrsnog organskog voća, povrća i začinskog bilja.

Posetioci poluostrva Luštica mogu istražiti mnoge lokalne farme i probati ukusne organske proizvode koji se tamo uzgajaju. Mnoge od ovih farmi nude obilaske i radionice, omogućavajući posetiocima da nauče više o praksama organske poljoprivrede koje se koriste na poluostrvu.

Planinarenje i biciklizam

Poluostrvo Luštica je takođe odlična destinacija za entuzijaste planinarenja i biciklizma. Poluostrvo nudi širok spektar planinarskih i biciklističkih staza, od lakih do izazovnih.

Jedna od najpopularnijih planinarskih staza na poluostrvu Luštica je staza Luštica Bai. Ova staza pruža zadivljujući pogled na obalu i vodi posetioce kroz lokalna sela i maslinjake.

Poluostrvo takođe nudi brojne biciklističke staze, od lakih obalnih ruta do izazovnijih staza za brdski biciklizam. Posetioci mogu iznajmiti bicikle u lokalnim prodavnicama za iznajmljivanje i istražiti mnoge slikovite rute koje poluostrvo može da ponudi.


Poluostrvo Luštica je skriveni dragulj u Crnoj Gori koji nudi jedinstven spoj prirodnih ljepota, organske poljoprivrede i avanture na otvorenom. Uprkos svom nedavnom razvoju, poluostrvo je uspelo da zadrži svoj šarm i da ostane popularna destinacija za posetioce koji žele da istraže neravnu obalu, probaju ukusne organske proizvode i iskuse mnoge pešačke i biciklističke staze koje poluostrvo može da ponudi. Bilo da tražite opuštajući odmor ili avanturu punu akcije, poluostrvo Luštica je savršena destinacija za vas.

Aerodrom Tivat

Aerodrom Tivat  (IATA: TIV, ICAO: LYTV) je međunarodni aerodrom u Tivtu, primorskom gradu u Crnoj Gori koji opslužuje primorje Crne Gore i susjedna područja.

Vebsajt aerodroma
Aerodrom odlaska Pon Uto Mi Čet Pet Sub Ned
Banja Luka
Tel Aviv

Aerodrom Podgorica

Aerodrom Podgorica (poznat i kao aerodrom Golubovci; IATA: TGD, ICAO: LYPG) se nalazi u Golubovcima, 12km južno od glavnog grada Crne Gore, Podgorice.

Vebsajt aerodroma
Aerodrom odlaska Pon Uto Mi Čet Pet Sub Ned
Frankfurt am Main
Tel Aviv

Aerodrom Dubrovnik

Međunarodni aerodrom u Dubrovniku (IATA: DBV, ICAO: LDDU) je jedan od većih međunarodnih aerodroma u Hrvatskoj. Aerdrom se nalazi u Ćilipima, na 13km južno od Starog grada Dubrovnika.

Vebsajt aerodroma
Aerodrom odlaska Pon Uto Mi Čet Pet Sub Ned

Aerodrom Tirana

Međunarodni aerodrom Majka Tereza (IATA: TIA, ICAO: LATI). To je najveći i jedini međunarodni aerodrom u Albaniji.

Vebsajt aerodroma
Aerodrom odlaska Pon Uto Mi Čet Pet Sub Ned
Nikola Tesla- Belgrade
Sharm El Sheikh
Abu Dhabi

Šta je dobro da znate

Prvo dobre vijesti (a ima ih dosta)

    • Ovo je možda i najljepši dio obale u svako doba godine, gdje možete da uživate u predjelima kakvi se obično viđaju samo u brošurama za odmor. Toplo plavo more, skrivene uvale, okomite planine koje se nadvijaju nad morem predstavljaju skoro jedinstven kontrast kakav se malo gdje može vidjeti.
    • Lokalno stanovništvo je divno. Bez obzira na jezičke barijere, očigledno je da daju sve od sebe da vam pruže pomoć i uslugu koja prevazilazi sve standarde.
    • Nešto dalje od obale čeka vas pregršt stvari koje treba otkriti: bogata istorija Crne Gore (Crnogorci su poznati kao brojčano mali narod koji je u više navrata tokom bogate istorije pobjeđivao mnogo brojnije neprijatelje), svetilišta (u Crnoj Gori se nezvanično nalazi najveći broj svetilišta na teško pristupačnim mjestima), čuda prirode, kao što je NP Skadarsko jezero. Ako se opredijelite da Crnu Goru posjetite samo radi odmora na plaži, sigurno ćete se pokajati.
    • Uprkos činjenici što se u zemlji ubrzano grade novi rizorti i hoteli, i dalje možete pronaći skrivene dragulje kao što su mala ribarska mjesta. Tako, primjera radi, ako posjetite Perast, možete uživati u ukusnoj morskoj hrani i pogledima na obližnja ostrva Gospa od Škrpjela i Sveti Marko.
    • Ako se potrudite da pođete malo dalje od glavnih turističkih tačaka, možete otkriti skrivene plaže i mjesta i uživati u makar djelimičnoj izolaciji, bez gomile drugih turista. Na svim plažama postoji najmanje jedan restoran ili bar, po uzoru na grčke taverne, gdje možete da pijuckate koktele ili pivo u hladu guste borovine i da kunete tužnu sudbinu što morate da se vratite na posao!
    • Ako ste ljubitelj morske hrane, onda ste došli na pravo mjesto. Možda nećete prepoznati naziv jela za koje se opredijelite (izgleda da se Crnogorci teško odlučuju na jedan jedinstveni naziv jela čak i kada je riječ o dva restorana koji su jedan pored drugog), ali ćete sigurno dobiti fenomenalan izbor svježe ulovljene ribe, pa sami možete da odaberete koju ribu želite da vam spreme u restoranu. Plaćate ribu po težini i kategoriji, tako da u teoriji možete potrošiti dosta. Zapravo, možete da se gostite kao kralj, uz lokalno vino Vranac (crno vino) ili Krstac (bijelo vino) za manje od 10 eura po glavi.
    • Što se tiče kvaliteta usluge, bićete prijatno iznenađeni. Ljubaznost je na nivou a od konobara možete da očekujete da vam preporuče specijalitete dana i da budete sigurni da vas niko neće nasamariti.
    • Cijene su relativno pristupačne (iako će se i to promijeniti). Crna Gora je zemlja u kojoj vlada gotovina, ali se mogućnost plaćanja karticama vrlo brzo širi po svim restoranima, prodavnicama, benzinskim pumpama. Naravno, u urbanim cjelinama ćete pronaći i sve veći broj bankomata.
    • Crna Gora je divna zemlja sa divnim ljudima.

Kalendar dostupnosti

15 Posebna ponuda
15 Datum smjene


$ £
Od Do Cijena Min
05/01/25 05/14/25 €550 7 noći
05/15/25 05/31/25 €600 7 noći
06/01/25 06/14/25 €650 7 noći
06/15/25 06/30/25 €750 7 noći
07/01/25 07/31/25 €900 7 noći
08/01/25 08/15/25 €950 7 noći
08/16/25 08/31/25 €900 7 noći
09/01/25 09/15/25 €750 7 noći
09/16/25 09/30/25 €650 7 noći
10/01/25 12/23/25 €500 3 noći
12/24/25 01/09/26 €750 5 noći
01/10/26 05/01/26 €500 3 noći
Tačne cijene su date u evrima. Ostale valute služe samo za poređenje.


Završno čišćenjePo booking


Transfer from Podgorica Airport (TGD)Po booking

Transfer from Podgorica Airport to the Villa includes a 7-seater luxury class passenger van. 

Pošaljite upit za cijenu
Transfer od/do aerodromaPo booking

Transfer from Tivat Airport to the Villa includes a 7-seater luxury class passenger van. 

Pošaljite upit za cijenu
Transfer from Dubrovnik Airport (DBV)Po booking

Transfer from Dubrovnik Airport to the Villa includes a 7-seater luxury class passenger van.

Pošaljite upit za cijenu
Najam automobilaPo day

Small SUV for 5 persons (Audi Q3, BMW X1, Volkswagen Tiguan..) 

Pošaljite upit za cijenu
Tačne cijene su date u evrima. Ostale valute služe samo za poređenje.

Pravila objekta

  • Vrijeme prijave: 15:00 h
  • Vrijeme odlaska: 10:00 h
  • Max. broj gostiju: 6
  • Depozit: €1,000 (vraća se)
  • Kućni ljubimci: Dozvoljeno
  • Pušenje: Nije dozvoljeno
  • Okupljanja: Nije dozvoljeno

+ Safety deposit 


Prije check in-a vraća se Avans
0 - 14 dana 0% 100%
15 - 29 dana 0% 100%
30 - 500 dana 0% 40%

A 40 % non refundable deposit is required at the time of the booking. Full remaining payment is required 30 days prior to arrival. If cancelled 30 days or less prior to arrival, 100% of total stay charge will apply.

The owner of the property will charge the guests (tenants) security deposit of 1,000 EUR. The deposit covers any damage to the leased property and its contents produced by the guests (tenants) and/or their guests.The owner can use all or part of the security deposit to repair the damage caused by the guests (tenants). If the amount of damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, the guests (tenants) remain liable for the remaining amount. The deposit can be paid together with the rest of the rental amount or at any time. The amount of the deposit, less any applicable claims of the property owner in the name of damages, will be returned to the guests (tenants) in the same way as it was paid to the property owner. The security deposit will be returned to guests within 2 weeks after check-out, after the property owner has had the opportunity to assess the condition of the property. 

*Damage to property 

The guest (tenant) who signs the lease agreement is responsible for the correct and decent behaviour. Guests (tenants) are obliged to adhere to the house rules which are an integral part of the contract and especially not to disturb the neighbouring facilities with their behaviour. Guests (tenants) are obliged to properly and carefully use and handle all furniture, appliances, decorations and other movable and immovable property, plumbing, electrical and heating and pool installations, electronics, fireplaces and other equipment available on the leased property, including the construction the building and its parts as well as the external elements of the building including plants. Guests (tenants) must leave the leased property in the condition in which they found it on the date of check in. Guests (tenants) are responsible for breakdowns and repairs of any kind on the leased property during the term of the lease and if the breakdown or damage occurred due to their fault. The property owner may charge all or part of the security deposit to cover additional cleaning, repairs or replacements. In addition to the guest (tenant) who is the holder of the lease agreement, all other guests listed in the contract (or stay in the property) are jointly and severally liable (when the property owner cannot be charged from the holder) for all damages claimed by the property owner, regardless of whether they signed a lease agreement provided that they were actual users (guests) in the real estate, which is proven by entry in the guest book.It is recommended that the guest (tenant) inspect the property upon arrival to ensure that it is in good condition and if there are any objections to the same notice to the property owner no later than the next day upon arrival. If guests (tenants) behave with disrespect towards the building and its contents, the property owner reserves the right to ask all guests (tenants) to leave the property immediately. 

*Price guarantee

 Once both parties have signed the property lease agreement, the property owner warrants that the property rental price will be final (including all taxes and fees) and will not be subject to additional costs other than the cost of subsequently contracted services.

* Statement of guest injuries

 The owner of the property is not responsible for any accidents or injuries to guests or their guests during their stay (lease), under any circumstances. The owner of the property is not responsible for any damage or theft of the property of the guests (tenants) and/or their guests during their stay (lease) under any circumstances. Window sills in some rooms can be low, as this is a building / property that was primarily built in the XIX century, so guests (tenants) are advised not to open these windows or if they open it they do so with due care and personal responsibility. (without the responsibility of the property owner). Guests (tenants) will use the pool at their own risk. It is forbidden to use the pool if one adult who knows how to swim is not present at the pool at all times. During rain and / or other precipitation, as well as during the use of the pool, the floor surfaces may get wet and they may become slippery. The owner of the property is not responsible for any accidents or injuries to guests or their guests during their stay (lease) due to a fall due to slippery floors or the like. All equipment, devices, furniture, etc., as well as the property and its parts are used by guests or their guests at their own risk.

 * A party on the estate

 Parties and other activities involving a large number of guests are strictly prohibited, unless the owner has previously approved them in full. In the event of unauthorised use of the property in such a way, the owner has the right to ask all guests to leave the property immediately, and the security deposit will be forfeited, until all relevant claims have been fully assessed. The property cannot be used for any organisation of weddings and / or celebrations of any kind without the approval of the property owner. In case of consent of the property owner for the organisation of such events (celebrations), the property owner may request additional compensation for the use of the property. Any event that results in police intervention, complaints to a neighbour, organisation of celebrations, violation of house rules and / or these lease terms, or any violation of rules and regulations is considered sufficient reason for immediate termination of the contract, and the property owner may request immediate abandonment. by guests (tenants), damages and penalties, without refund of any payments. 

* Children 

Children are welcome. When booking, please let us know if there will be a child (s) among the guests and let us know their age. Guests (tenants) are obliged to take care of the safety of children during their stay in the property (without the responsibility of the property owner). 


Pets are allowed under the following conditions: - 1 dog or 1 cat weighing up to 10 kg is allowed. The stay of a dog or cat is charged 250.00 EUR per stay.  


 Smoking is not allowed in the house but is allowed on the terraces and in the yard. In case of violation of this rule, the owner of the facility may charge additional costs for special cleaning

* Swimming pool 

The owner of the property undertakes that the outdoor pool will be available to guests from the first day of check-in (check in) and in the period from 15.05. - 30.09. The property owner will ensure regular maintenance of the pool clean, with clean and proper bathing water. The pool has no water heating and the property owner cannot guarantee the water temperature in the pool as it depends on the weather conditions. The owner of the pool does not guarantee that during the use of the pool there will be no possible malfunction of the pool equipment, which may cause its non-functionality, but it will provide service and repair within a reasonable and possible time.  

* Cleaning service 

The property will be handed over to guests (tenants) in a clean condition. The owner of the property charges a final cleaning of the building 250.00 EUR (without exception). In the event that the property owner deems that special (special) cleaning of the building or its parts is necessary (including the exterior), the property owner may charge additional costs for such cleaning. Bed linen change service is provided once a week and is included in the price. Towel change service (except beach towels) is provided twice a week and is included in the price. Guests can be left with a double set of towels for a period of seven days, which is adequate to change twice a week. The service of regular cleaning of the facility and replacement of towels for the pool is provided every 7 days and this is included in the price. Additional change of bed linen, towels and bath towels (outside the above) is charged an additional 100.00 EUR per room. Additional cleaning of the facility (outside the above) is charged 250.00 EUR per cleaning.

 *Photos and/or video 

Photographs or videos on the property may not be used or sold for profit (commercial or marketing purposes) without the written permission of the property owner.

* Water, electricity, telephone and internet

 Water, electricity and internet are included in the rental price of the property if used under normal conditions. The use of a fixed telephone in the facility is limited to 30.00 EUR for a period of 7 days. Any phone consumption over this amount will be charged extra. Any possible use of water, electricity and internet outside normal conditions (charging large batteries or cars, connecting large consumers of electricity, spilling large amounts of water, etc.) may be charged extra by the property owner. The property owner is not responsible for any interruptions in the supply of water, electricity, telephone and internet services (usually short supply interruptions can rarely be expected) beyond the control of the property owner  

*Locked and forbidden areas

 Guests (tenants) do not have access to warehouses from the property owner. Guests (tenants) are denied access to: - technical room with electrical cabinets and high and low current equipment (below the stairs), - technical room of the pool (below the beach by the pool), - technical room with boiler and air conditioning equipment, - attic with technical air conditioning devices, - inspection openings in the ceilings in which is electricity and air conditioning equipment, whether those rooms are locked or not.. Any eventual access to these spaces is at the own risk of the guest (tenant) and without any responsibility of the property owner. Guests are strictly prohibited from self-management, adjustment and or any work and access to electrical, plumbing and air conditioning equipment, devices of any kind or any installations, and in case of such events they are responsible for the consequences (without liability of the property owner).

* House rules and fire safety 

Guests (tenants) are obliged to adhere to the house rules that are displayed in the building, which is an integral part of the lease agreement. Guests (tenants) are informed with fire protection measures, exits from the building, and places with fire extinguishers. The use of a bio ethanol fireplace in the living room is not allowed without the permission of the owner. The use of barbecue is allowed only outside and only in the area directly in front of the kitchen / dining room. Guests are required to use the barbecue with due care so that there is no fire and at their own risk. It is strictly forbidden to open the well cover or climb the well, as well as to open any manholes. In case of storm with wind, heavy rain, hail, snow, etc., guests are required to close all windows, doors and shutters, fold parasols and protect outdoor furniture (especially pillows), to prevent damage to the building and things in it and in the yard . Shutters that are open in normal weather must be locked in a stationary position. In case of very high wind, the car gate will open and remain in the open position until the wind speed stops or decreases. This is a normal occurrence and serves the safety of people and vehicles in storm conditions. For this reason, all vehicles in the parking lot must be parked under the canopy (not outside it) in the part towards the gate. The owner of the property is not responsible in case of damage or theft of the vehicle, although the exit from the gate is under video surveillance. 

*Property owner rights 

The owner of the property or a person authorised by him, may access the real estate and/or any part of it without any restriction and/or notice whenever he suspects damage to the real estate, movables, equipment or devices, when he suspects that the house rules are violated , when the real estate is used contrary to the lease agreement or simply for control purposes. The owner of the property r or a person authorised by him may enter the property by announcement for the necessary repairs of equipment, installations and buildings. The owner of the property or a person authorised by him may enter the property without restriction and notification in the event of an alarm, burglary, fire or other emergency situation. 

* Force majeure 

The property owner is not obliged to return any amount of money he received before or during the lease of the property under circumstances involving "Force Majeure". In the above, "Force Majeure" means war, threat of war, insurrection, civil strike, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, accident, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, epidemic or disease, airline problems, airport or port closure, adverse weather conditions , temporary harmful problems on and/or around the property or any other event, situation, incident and natural cause beyond our control of the property owner. 

* Values / injuries

 Values that guests (tenants) leave or keep on real estate (inside and/or outside the building) do so at their own risk. Guests (tenants) are advised to lock the facility and turn on the anti-burglary system when they are not in it. The property owner and/or any staff cannot be held responsible for their loss or disappearance of the property of the guests (tenants) regardless of the fact that there are cameras and anti-burglary systems on the property. In case of any alarm in the building, guests (tenants) are obliged to leave the building for security reasons and immediately inform the owner of the property about the same event and by phone: - Civil Protection Operations Center at number 121, - police on number 122, - firefighters on number 123,


Jovana Popović
Villa Expert

Jovana Popović

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